Our Guide To Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle When Travelling The Road Less Travelled.
I have spent the most part of three years traveling through Latin America and more often than not, "roughing it". Which means checking into to a hotel with a gym, or mapping out the closest Wholefoods is not an option. Staying fit & healthy on the road isn't always the easiest task, but here are my top tips for a healthy travel lifestyle:
I am a BIG fan of the Nike Training App there are so many great workout options that don't require equipment, and it's FREE!
Dry brushing, if it's good enough for Miranda Kerr, it's good enough for me! It is such a fast and easy way to get your circulation flowing - I actually use a shoe cleaning brush as it is a great travel size.
The best way to explore a new town is by running! I love a good early morning run, watching a city wake up with bustling markets and street vendors! Always make sure to check with locals if there are any places that are unsafe to go. It's great to travel with an MP3 player too (so old school!) as they are easy to conceal. And don't overlook the power of a great playlist.
In terms of supplements, I always carry fish oil, spirulina and magnesium tablets with me. I would love to carry more but these are my absolute essentials.
A regular yoga practice is such an important part of my travels! Long bus rides/flights plus full days of walking and carrying heavy loads, can be gruelling; yoga is the perfect antidote to keep me feeling nimble and grounded. To aid my practice I use Akasha yoga straps (I'm not biased at all though) which also function as a mat carrier. Manduka offer some great light travel mat options too.
Hike, swim, dance whenever you can, and challenge yourself! Most of my most treasured memories are from the incredible hikes we have accomplished, where I have pushed myself both physically and mentally.
And I always carry nuts with me at all times! Sometimes it is hard to know when and where your next meal is coming from so to prevent myself to falling victim to nearest 7-eleven-esque tienda, nuts and seeds are a great go-to. And you don't want to see me hangry.